Our crawlers detected that the main root page on junshier.com took zero milliseconds to come up. Our crawlers could not detect a SSL certificate, so our web crawlers consider junshier.com not secure.
盛唐军事网www.stjunshi.com 提供最新军事新闻中国军事新闻国际军事新闻军事图片等军事资料以中国军事图集为主军事社区为辅打造中国优秀前卫军事网站PARSED CONTENT
The web site junshier.com states the following, "近几年描写红军题材的影视剧颇受欢迎无论是 长征 还是 雄关漫道 都受到了观众的一致好评 台湾霸气 白狼率 日军 感谢 民进党." I noticed that the website stated " 台湾霸气 白狼率 日军 感谢 民进党." The meta header had 军事 as the first optimized keyword. This keyword is followed by 军事网, 军事新闻, and 中国军事 which isn't as important as 军事. The other words junshier.com used was 中国军事网. 中国新闻 is included but could not be seen by search engines.